Category: News

 Final Candidates – Share Your Feedback!

FPW Families, We are excited to inform you that we have reached the final stage in our search for a new principal. After a thorough selection process, we have narrowed it down to two outstanding candidates. To help you getContinue Reading

Principal Hiring Community Event and Survey

June 13, 2024 Dear Florida Pitt Waller ECE-8 School Community, Thank you for your continued partnership in the Florida Pitt Waller ECE-8 principal selection process. After completing a nationwide search and a rigorous interview process with our Collaborative Panel andContinue Reading

Did You Miss Out on Our Yearbook Sale?

FPW Families, Did you miss out on our Yearbook Sale? No worries! You can still purchase one for your student online. Click this link to order now and have it shipped to your home!

Principal Hiring Process and Timeline

May 28, 2024 Dear Florida Pitt Waller ECE-8 Community, We deeply value our DPS community partnership and are committed to engaging our communities in meaningful and collaborative ways. The purpose of this letter is to provide an update on theContinue Reading

Letter from the Principal

Dear Florida Pitt Waller (FPW) Community, As you know, FPW is an incredible school community within Denver Public Schools (DPS). We have highly talented students, deeply engaged parents, innovative teachers, and thoughtful staff.  It is with mixed emotions that IContinue Reading

 Concessions at Field Day – Friday, May 24 (Bring Cash!)

FPW Families, Field Day is this Friday, May 24! We are excited to announce that we will be selling snacks at the concession stands. To provide students with an enjoyable experience, a selection of tasty treats will be available for purchase. We kindly askContinue Reading

Yearbook Sales

FPW Families, Did you get a yearbook yet? If not, stop by the office OR find one of of the yearbook tables to purchase one for $20. We are only accepting cash currently. For those who already pre-ordered a yearbook, your student’sContinue Reading

Pastries with Parents – TOMORROW @ 7:45 a.m.

You are invited to join us for Pastries with Parents on Friday, May 17 at 7:45-8:20 a.m.!


Come on out to our 5th Annual Spring Musical, Matilda Jr.! We will have performances on May 16-18! Here are our showing dates: Thursday, May 16 @ 6 p.m.Friday, May 17 @ 6 p.m.Saturday, May 18 @ 11 a.m.Saturday, MayContinue Reading

Day Without Hate Spirit Week – May 6-10

This week (May 6-10) is our Day Without Hate Spirit Week. Take a look at our themed days: Monday 5/6: Summer Vacation AttireTuesday 5/7: Pajama DayWednesday 5/8: Famous Pairs DayThursday 5/9: Throwback DayFriday 5/10: Black Out Day

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