Category: News

Coffee with the Principal – Friday, Oct. 4 @ 8:30-9:30 a.m.

FPW Families, Mark your calendars! Coffee with the Principal is Friday, Oct. 4 at 8:30–9:30 a.m. This will be a great time to meet our principal, discuss Title 1/Parent Compact and talk about what is to come this school year. 

We are a Green School!

Florida Pitt Waller ECE-8 is proud to be a GREEN school in the Preliminary 2024 Framework Results from the Colorado Department of Education– the highest possible rating! This prestigious recognition reflects the outstanding efforts of our students and teachers inContinue Reading

Parent Teacher Conferences – Monday-Tuesday, Oct. 7-8 @ 3:30-7:30 p.m.

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up! Conferences are Monday, Oct. 7, and Tuesday, Oct. 8 from 3:30-7:30 p.m.

NO SCHOOL – Friday, Sept. 27 – Professional Learning Day

FPW Families, There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 27. The school will be closed for a Professional Learning Day. Enjoy the long weekend!

Coco Movie Night – Thursday, Sept. 25 @ 4:30 p.m.

Join us for our Coco Movie Night on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 4:30 p.m.! Purchase Presale Tickets from the front office after school Sept. 23-26. Skip the lines! We will have the movie in English AND Spanish: For this event, students MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian.Continue Reading

Hispanic Heritage Month Spirit Week – 9/23-9/26

FPW Families, Hispanic Heritage Month is here! We are celebrating with a spirit week next week. We are asking for $1 donations for participation, but it is not required. See below for our schedule: Monday 9/23 – Vaquero/a Day TuesdayContinue Reading

Register for Co-Ed Flag Football Now!

FPW Families, Is your middle schooler interested in playing co-ed flag football? Our registration window is open now to Oct. 4! The season will begin on Monday, Oct. 21. Here is what you need to get started: Be in 6th-8thContinue Reading

Picture Day – Coming Up!

Picture Day is coming up! Students are allowed to wear their dress of choice on Picture Day. Picture Day for Elementary and Middle School are on different days this year. Please see the schedule below for dates: Elementary ECE-5 PictureContinue Reading

No School – Labor Day – Monday, Sept. 2

FPW Families, There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, Sept. 2 in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend! 🎉

Cafeteria and Lunch Information for Families

FPW Families, Students who bring a sack lunch from home will need to pay for the following items: Milk $.75 Fruit & Vegetable Bar $1.00 Second meals – students will be charged for meal items. Students who receive a reimbursement meal canContinue Reading

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