Category: News

5th Annual Spring Musical – Matilda Jr.!

Come to our 5th Annual Spring Musical, Matilda Jr.! We will have performances on April 25-27! Here are our showing dates: Thursday, April 25 @ 6 p.m.Friday, April 26 @ 6 p.m.Saturday, April 27 @ 11 a.m.Saturday, April 27 @Continue Reading

Waller Basketball Camp

Waller Basketball Camp 5th, 6th, 7th Boys and Girls Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 4:30 Starts April 16 to May 16 Cost is $25.00 You cannot participate until you bring your money. Talk to Coach F. if you haveContinue Reading

SchoolChoice Round 2 is Now Open!

Did you miss SchoolChoice Round 1? SchoolChoice Round 2 is now open! Visit this link to apply! This is required for families with students in transitioning grades (Early Childhood Education (ECE), 5th grade and 8th grade). For more information, click here.

Vaccine Circus – Wednesday, April 3 @ 3:30 p.m.

FPW Families, Join us for our Vaccination Circus on Wednesday, April 3 @ 3:30-6:30 p.m.! We will have community partners here to provide information on resources and free vaccines! Stay with us to watch the circus and enjoy some treats!

Spring Break – March 25-April 1

FPW Families, Spring Break is next week from March 25 – April 1. Happy Spring Break! Students’ first day back from break is Tuesday, April 2.

Important Reminders: School Campus Safety

FPW families, We welcome parents into our building and in order to ensure everyone’s safety, we have procedures in place in order to follow. We have had some challenges lately, but we are being proactive about making adjustments, supporting coverageContinue Reading

CSC Meeting – TOMORROW (3/18) @ 5:30 p.m.

FPW Families, You are invited to join us for our CSC Meeting tomorrow, March 19 from 5-5:30 p.m. This meeting will meet in the Foyer/In front of the Front Office. We will discuss updates for the 2024-2025 school year.


Dear DPS Families,  All DPS schools and administrative offices are closed on Thursday and Friday, March 14 & 15, due to severe weather. This includes the Emily Griffith Technical College. All school-related events and activities, including all Discovery Link and ELCS EnrichmentContinue Reading

Spring Book Fair – March 11-15 @ 3:30-5 p.m.

Florida Pitt Waller ECE-8 will be hosting a Spring Book Fair! The Book Fair will take place March 11-15 from 3:30-5 p.m. in the school’s Community Room. Please help our school meet our goal and inspire a love of readingContinue Reading

JA Spring Sports Registration

Are you interested in playing a sport this year? Junior Academy Spring Sports registration is open now to Friday, Mar. 15. Practice/tryouts – week of March 18 (may begin after coach attends coach meeting). Please click on the sport you are interested inContinue Reading

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