Principal Hiring Community Event and Survey

Posted June 13, 2024

June 13, 2024

Dear Florida Pitt Waller ECE-8 School Community,

Thank you for your continued partnership in the Florida Pitt Waller ECE-8 principal selection process. After completing a nationwide search and a rigorous interview process with our Collaborative Panel and our Collaborative School Committee (CSC), we are pleased to share that we have two final candidates that will participate in the next steps of the hiring process.

  • Brittney Cardwell
  • Robert Jurhs-Savage

As previously shared, we were able to implement some new processes in this year’s principal selection process to make the process more engaging, accessible, and increase opportunities for candidates to connect with the school community. We will proceed with the following upcoming events to allow for additional opportunities for the community to hear from our final candidates:

  • Virtual Community Forum: Our final candidates will join us for a live Zoom event on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Final candidates will introduce themselves and share a short summary of their interest and vision for Florida Pitt Waller. Candidates will respond to a variety of questions previously submitted by the community. Please submit your question using this form. You may also submit questions and interpretation requests to Due to time constraints, our final candidates will be asked approximately 7-10 questions. This event will be recorded and links to the candidate presentations, candidate bio, and feedback survey link will be posted on the school website.

We highly value the voices of all our stakeholders. To honor this, we would like to invite students, staff, families, and community members to submit their feedback on the final candidates’ strengths and considerations to help inform the final hiring decision made by the superintendent. Please share your feedback on the strengths and considerations of each final candidate based on the needs of the school. Feedback can be submitted in the survey linked below or by calling the Office of Family & Community Engagement (FACE) at 720-423-3054. You may also email your feedback responses to Please complete all feedback by Monday, June 24, 2024.

Community Feedback Survey (English/Spanish): Google Form

After the community input window closes, feedback will be compiled to share with the superintendent to help inform the final principal selection. Final candidates will participate in an interview with Superintendent Dr. Alex Marrero, Deputy Superintendent of Schools Dr. Tony Smith, Chief of Schools Cesar Cedillo, and Associate Chief of Schools Drew Coleman as the final step in the selection process.

Thank you for your continuous engagement in this selection process!


Dr. Sandra Lochhead
Director, K-8 Schools

Dr. Christina Sylvester
Operational Services Director