No School – Thursday, March 20

Posted March 19, 2025

no sign

FPW Families,

Florida Pitt Waller will be CLOSED tomorrow, March 20.

School will resume on Friday, March 21. Please ensure your student attends class on Friday before we leave for Spring Break (March 24-31).

The Colorado Education Association is organizing a rally at the state capitol to protest the recent legislation cutting state education funding. While many school districts in Colorado will be on spring break, Denver Public Schools will remain in session. However, a significant number of our teachers at Florida Pitt Waller have chosen to take one of their allotted PTO days to participate in this rally. As a result, over 60% of our teaching staff will be unavailable.

Given the high percentage of absent teachers, the district has decided that Florida Pitt Waller, along with other schools, will be closed for the day. This will be a non-student contact day, and any staff present will utilize this time for professional learning and development. Please note that there will be no morning or after-school enrichment programs or clubs, and sports activities are also canceled.

While the school will be closed, we will provide breakfast and lunch for students. We require parents to stay with their children during this time or that older students leave the building after eating, as we will not have sufficient staff to ensure adequate supervision.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate this situation.